Content marketing is moving fast, and 2024 will bring some new trends that will change the way we connect with our audiences. As marketers try to cut through the noise and deliver content that matters, we must be ahead of the game. Here’s what’s defining the content landscape in 2024.

1. AI Content

One of the biggest content marketing trends this year has been the rise of AI in generating high-quality, personalised content at scale. According to Narrato, 75% of marketers are now using AI to personalise content.[2] GPT-4 is being used for content drafting so businesses can create content faster than ever before. Human oversight is still required to ensure accuracy and resonance but AI is changing the way we approach content creation, making it more efficient, scalable and targetable.

2. Interactive and Immersive Content

Interactive and immersive content is the new superpower in the fight for attention. From quizzes and polls to AR and VR experiences, brands are finding new ways to engage their audience and create memorable moments. Research from Rock Content and Proven 360 shows the huge lift interactive content can give.[1][3] Whether it’s an AR product demo or an interactive social media post, this trend is changing how we connect with our customers.

3. Omnichannel Content

With audiences consuming content across multiple platforms, an omnichannel approach is no longer optional for content marketers in 2024. Rock Content says consistent messaging across all touchpoints is key, from social media and email to blogs and beyond.[1] By creating campaigns that bridge the gap between channels, brands can reach more and have a voice that resonates with their audience.

4. Video and Multi-media

Video and multi-media has reached an all-time high in 2024, with 68% of businesses planning to increase their video marketing spend.[2] From product demos and explainer videos to thought leadership pieces, video is essential for engaging audiences and communicating complex ideas. As attention spans shrink, the visual nature and immediacy of video content makes it a must-have for any content marketing strategy.

5. Short-form and User-generated

In the age of TikTok and Instagram Reels, short-form and user-generated content (UGC) is the new king of engagement and authenticity. Narrato shows the high engagement rates these formats get on social media.[2] By using memes, TikTok videos and customer testimonials, brands can tap into the power of relatability and get the audience to participate. This trend is about creating content that feels human, authentic and relatable to connect deeper with customers.


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6. Voice Search

As voice assistants and smart speakers become more common, voice search optimisation will top content marketers’ minds in 2024. Proven 360 notes the rise of these technologies and the need to adapt content strategies accordingly.[3] By using conversational language, answering common questions and structuring content voice-friendly, brands can get more visibility and accessibility in the voice search age.

7. Data-driven Personalisation

The power of data and AI is being used to deliver hyper-personalised content experiences to individual users. Proven 360 shows the huge uplift in conversion rates data-driven personalisation can deliver.[3] By using insights into audience behaviour, preferences and demographics, brands can create tailored email campaigns, website experiences and content recommendations that speak directly to each user’s unique needs and interests. Personalisation is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have for any content marketing strategy.

Three Takeaways for Marketers Planning for 2024

We’ve looked at the content trends that will shape the marketing landscape in 2024. Now, I think it’s time for marketers and business owners to consider how they can incorporate these trends into their content marketing plans. As a seasoned marketer, I’d like to share three key takeaways.

Takeaway 1: Be Adaptable and Original

I cannot stress enough how important it is to be adaptable and open to new marketing approaches. Your first attempt at something new won’t be perfect, but you must embrace the learning process. My advice is to take inspiration but don’t copy. If you can’t articulate your unique perspective, try using AI assistants like ChatGPT to interview you and get new insights.

Takeaway 2: AI as a Partner, Not a Replacement

AI is essential in the marketer’s toolbox, but I wouldn’t view it as a replacement for human expertise. AI is a partner, not a replacement (at least for now). Don’t look at AI as something that will do what you do, but look at it as a partner that will help you do what you do more effectively and efficiently. Use AI as a brainstorming partner, interviewer, optimizer and analyzer, but keep the human touch in writing and editing.

Takeaway 3: Create Adaptable Content and Balance Innovation with Proven Strategies

To get the most out of your content marketing, I recommend creating content that can be repurposed across different formats. For most, that will be a podcast—a natural 30-minute conversation that gets you talking openly about your area of expertise. You can turn this into social media videos, articles, and more.

When it comes to embracing new trends and technologies, I offer a practical approach. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If you’re getting results, stick with what’s working. But always keep an eye on new trends and see how they’re being applied in your industry and others. I recommend allocating 25% of your time to experimenting with new trends and technologies and the rest to maintaining and improving what’s working.

By balancing innovation and stability, you can incorporate new approaches into your content marketing mix without risk and disruption and make data-driven decisions about scaling up or modifying the new techniques.

As you plan your content marketing for the rest of 2024, remember these three takeaways: be adaptable and original, view AI as a partner create adaptable content and balance innovation with proven strategies. You’ll be all set to navigate the content marketing landscape and create content that will resonate with your audience.

Content Hype for Your Content Marketing

Struggling to keep up with the content marketing landscape? Are you overwhelmed by the sheer number of new trends and technologies and not sure how to incorporate them into your strategy? You’re not alone. Many marketers and business owners are in the same boat, wondering how to create content that will resonate with their audience in a crowded market.

The truth is content marketing in 2024 is no easy task. It requires a deep understanding of the latest trends, a willingness to try new things and a delicate balance between innovation and proven strategies. Without the right guidance and expertise, you’ll fall behind, miss out on opportunities to connect with your audience and ultimately fail to achieve your content marketing goals.

That’s where Content Hype comes in. As a content marketing agency we help businesses like yours unlock their full potential in the digital space. Our team of experts stay at the forefront of the latest content marketing trends and technologies so we can give you the insights, strategies and support you need.

Whether you want to understand AI’s role in content creation better, create immersive interactive experiences, optimise for voice search, or data-driven personalisation, Content Hype has the expertise to guide you through it all. We’ll work with you to develop a content marketing strategy tailored to your unique goals, audience and brand and incorporating the latest trends and best practices.

Don’t let content marketing in 2024 hold you back. Partner with Content Hype today and take your content to the next level. Get in touch to book a consultation and find out how we can help you create content that captivates, engages and converts. Let’s navigate the content marketing landscape together and make your brand stand out in a crowded digital space.



